Eleventy Notes

Dynamic Content

Besides static content written in Markdown, you can render dynamic content, like a filtered list of your notes. Eleventy Notes provides a set of features for this purpose:

  • Collections give you access to your notes and tags
  • Queries allow to filter your notes and tags based on a set of conditions
  • Render Filters allow you to render lists

Below you will find an example of using these features to render a list of featured notes.

You may want to create a list of featured notes on the Start page. You can create this list manually using Wikilinks or, as we will see in this example, you can use Eleventy Notes' dynamic content features to render the list dynamically.

Let's say you want to use two front matter properties: featured and featuredOrder. The first one is a boolean that indicates whether the note should be featured or not. The second one is a number that indicates the order in which the note should be featured.

featured: true
featuredOrder: 2


This is the second featured note.

Add this front matter properties on a few notes to feature them.

2. Create a query

We need to create a query that filters all notes that have the featured property set to true and sort them by the featuredOrder property. Open the note that should render your notes (e.g. index.md if you want to feature them on the start page).

Then add a new front matter property that contains the query:

filter: [["data.featured", "isEqual", true]]
sort: [["data.featuredOrder", "asc"], ["title", "asc"]]


# Featured Notes


This query filters the list of notes by the featured property and sorts them by the featuredOrder property. If two notes have the same featuredOrder property, they are sorted by the title property.

3. Render the list

Finally, we can render the list of featured notes. Note that we add a templateEngineOverride property to the front matter to tell Eleventy to use the Nunjucks template engine for this file.

featuredNotes: ... # filter omitted for brevity
templateEngineOverride: njk, md


# Featured Notes

{{ collections.notes | query(featuredNotes) | renderAsList | safe }}

We first access our notes using the collection collections.notes. Then we apply our featuredNotes query using the query filter. Finally, we render the result as a list using the renderAsList filter and the safe filter to prevent the HTML from being escaped.

Now open the page in the browser and should see a list of featured notes. If you click on one of the links, you should be redirected to the note.